Aitor Sáez

Aitor Sáez is a freelance journalist based in Mexico from 2018 as correspondent for the international TV, Deutsche Welle, and also collaborating for some Spanish newspapers. He is interested in Human Rights and Migration issues, always working in a deep-human perspective.
Awarded as 'Best Young Journalist (under 30)' in Spain of the year 2016 by the Asociación Prensa Madrid (APM) and in the contest 'Gender and Justice' (2019) by ONU Mujeres and Supreme Court of Mexico for the reportage Reporteras en riesgo. Also winner of 'Ciudades Iberoamericanas de Paz' (2019) for a feature about a Colombian town that adopts unknown corpses of missed people.
He wrote two books: Syriza, la gran esperanza rota (Editorial UOC, 2016) and
Crónica de una paz incierta. Colombia sobrevive (Círculo de Tiza, 2018).
From 2016 to 2018 he lived in Colombia, while covering Latin America from nine countries. Focused on main political events and social issues. During 2015, he worked for the Spanish newspaper LA RAZÓN and TV 'Cuatro' in Greece, Eastern Europe and Venezuela on the coverages of the Greek debt crisis and refugee wave, while doing the refugee route through seven countries. This collective work was awarded on the TV 'Premio Iris' as best news coverage 2016.
He usually collaborates for Planeta Futuro,, El Confidencial and El Periódico. Before, he lived in Germany (2014) and studied in Brazil (2013). He finished his studies on Journalism in the Universidade Federal de Goiás (Goiânia, Brazil). He carried out an internship in the newspaper EL PAÍS and Barcelona Televisió (BTV) during 2013. These practices and his professional experience made him a complete freelancer able to work on Newspaper, TV and Photography. He speaks six languages.
Sep 2008 - December 2011
Degree in Journalism (BA) - 68%
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) - Spain
Feb 2012 - Jan 2013
Studies in Social Communication
Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) - Brazil
Sep 2006 - June 2008
High School, Social branch - 98%
IES Pere Calders - Barcelona, Spain
16-22 November 2014
Solidarity Academy -
Journalism in Eastern Europe
European Solidarity Centre - Gdánsk, Poland
12-22 August 2014
Training course - Conflict management
Erasmmus+, Gain & Sustain - Graz, Austria
28 June - 5 July 2014
Training course -
Human Rights, Roma Rights
Asociata Youth Media - Sfântu Gheorgue, Romania
September 2016 - currently
Regular collaborator
Deutsche Welle - international TV
Coverage of Colombian current affairs, breaking news and social issues. Features on-the-field for the News edition. Coverage of the Latin America main political events and natural disasters. Broadcast and edition for my own and with self-equipment. Member of the correspondent Desk in Bogotá.
December 2014 - currently
Spanish and international papers
Long features and reportages for different Spanish papers as El Confidencial,, La Razón and ARA, and international media as Equal Times or Migration Policy Centre, while covering social issues on Greece (2014-15) and Latin America (2016-until now).
September - December 2014
Serres for UNESCO - Greek ONG
European Volunteer Service (EVS) in a Media group dedicated
to the Radio and Video Production, Social Nets and Project Management of solidary campaigns.
June - September 2013
Barcelona Television (BTV)
Reporter and cameraman. Video taping of sports events.Recording and production for TV emissions. Technical skills with camera and the editing program AVID.
January 2012 - January 2013
Assistant in Audiovisual Dpt.
Universidade Federal Goiás - Brazil
Organisation of Academical Extension Programs. Production of short documentaries and online contents.Press adviser of cooperation and anthropological projects.
June 2015 - currently
Cuatro, Telecinco - Spanish TV channels
Coverage of the main events and breaking news of Greece (2015) and Latin America (2016 until now). Features for two of the national most important channels in Spain. Broadcast and edition for my own and with self-equipment. Part of the team winner of the TV award 'Premio Iris' as the best coverage of the refugee wave in 2016.
December 2014 - January 2016
Regular collaborator
La Razón - Spanish newspaper
Coverage of the Greek debt crisis, refugee wave to Europe and Venezuelan elections (2015) for one of the most important newspaper in Spain. Daily features writing and research of long-term issues.
September 2013 - September 2014
Blog collaborator
ARA - Catalan newspaper
Collaborations for the International Section of a Catalan journal. Own blog with features about social and political issues in Eastern Germany.
February - June 2013
EL PAÍS Newspaper
Specialization in Photography and Social Issues. Management of agencies and institutional contacts. Constant contact with current events as journalist.
September 2008 - December 2011
Reporter in local media
Cerdanyola - Barcelona
News weekly writing and Photography. Competences as reporter: search of topics and interviews. Management of sources and documentation. Investigation briefs. Comentator of basketball and football matches. Production of an own sports program.
April 2019
Unión de Ciudades Capitales Iberoamericanas (UCCI)
For the feature 'The town that adopts corpses' about missed people in Colombia.
June 2017
Best young journalist (under 30) 2016
Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid (APM)
Most important recognition in Spain.
December 2016
Premio Iris - TV award
for the collective work in Noticias Cuatro on the coverage of the refugee wave to Europe. Most important TV award in Spain.
Winner Solidarity Photography
Contest organized by the Girona's government, Spain,
to make a calendar
2013 - 2014
Solidarity Photo Exhibition 'Now'
A serie of children portrays showing the childhood in poor situations. Organized in Barcelona and Dresden, Germany. Donation of Sparkasse bank. The donations were given to NGOs
Spanish - tongue
Catalan - tongue
First Certificate (Cambridge) + professional use
English - C1
One year of studies in Brazil and intensive course
Portuguese - bilingual
TestDaf and one year living in Germany
German - C1
Six-year studies in a official school
French - B1