Bosnia without horizon
Javi García Roche, earlier known as ‘The God’ was the leader of a gang in the periphery of Barcelona. When he left the prison, he started organising clandestine combats in his industrial unit of scraps in order to channel his aggressive behaviour. Because of the Spanish crises along with youth unemployment, many young boys of the suburbs were drawn towards this street box and started fighting among themselves. Javi, now known as ‘The Scraps’, pays them and has also opened a gym where they get trained during the week. The combats take place inside a lorry container or in a cage without any rules. All of them practise with passion and take it very seriously. The fights finish with a knockout or when one of the fighters request to stop. When the battle is over, they are still friends. Youngsters practise passionately helping them utilize their time better, which was otherwise spend on streets doing nothing.
Location: Sant Adrià del Besós, Barcelona, Spain
Date: July - September 2013
Equipment: Canon 400D, Lens Canon 18x55mm
Edition: Rob Carr Method